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Maybe Anti-Vaxxers are just Anti-you?

COVID-19, an extreme case of a compassionless community.

The Plandemic documentary was a very effective campaign. The masterminds behind it took advantage of the high-stress environment created by COVID-19 to target highly susceptible people on a mass scale. Planting seeds of mistrust in vaccines and the government behind them.

That's what the headlines read. However, Plandemic was simply taking advantage of a situation created by news reporters, scientists, politicians, and people, who failed to address an important problem (next to that of COVID-19 of course).

The emotional element of the Plandemic documentary was perhaps its strongest element. The emotional intensity could not have happened without our resistance to the people it touched most. The conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxers, and those just on the fence. We forget that these are real people with real emotions. Their hearts become saddened by covid deaths just like ours. Maybe the reason they believed in Plandemic so much is not because of their lack of education. Many well-educated individuals believe in things with little to no proof. Too often, these people are lumped into groups (eg. most anti-vaxers were specifically just against the covid vaccine). They're treated as dummies for their beliefs and their ideas are censored on the internet. These factors alone would make me want to fight for a side I didn't believe in; just to make them feel how I was made to feel. Perhaps these people aren't anti-government or anti-vaccine. Perhaps they're just anti-you.

Plandemic touched on all these emotional bases. Bases that may not have been created if we treated conspiracy theorists like normal people. Plandemic showed these people empathy and gave them an understanding ear. Things they lacked from us. We claimed we just wanted to help them but threw science at them when they really just needed someone to understand them. We were supposed to show them that we were truly on their side. But we failed.

We must treat other people with compassion. This holds true in every circumstance. The circumstances surrounding COVID-19 were a perfect example of this. We clammed to care for those affected by covid, but only did so if they agreed with us. Instead of understanding why they believed what they did, we labeled them the bad guys and they did the same to us. We created the mistrust ourselves. Plandemic only acted as a catalyst. We need to do better if we ever expect solidarity with modern science and the layperson.

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